Introducing Our Incoming
Head of School
Scott A. Berthel
The Veritas Board of Directors is overjoyed to announce that Scott Berthel will become Veritas Christian Academy’s Head of School, following the retirement of Lisa Gerdes in June 2024. Mr. Berthel brings to Veritas extensive experience in Christian education and school administration, a commitment to cultivating the hearts and minds of God’s children, a passion for shepherding faculty and staff, and a deep and authentic faith in Christ.
“Over the course of the search process, we remained committed to finding a Head of School who would carry forth the clear mission and rich traditions for which Veritas is known and loved. As we prepare for the next chapter in our history, we are humbled by God’s continued blessings on Veritas and grateful for His faithfulness throughout this beautiful journey.”
The Veritas Search Committee
Joseph Medendorp, Chairman of the Board
Amanda Turner, Vice Chairman of the Board
Linda King, Clerk & Founding Board Member
George Rideout, Jr., Former Chairman & Founding Board Member
Doug Sacra, Former Vice Chairman & Board Member
A Message from the Chairman of the Board
Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of Veritas Christian Academy,
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Head of School Search Committee, we are delighted to introduce Scott A. Berthel as the next Head of School at Veritas. Scott will begin his new role on July 1, 2024 and we are already preparing for his arrival.
Scott comes to us from Trinity Christian Academy in Addison, Texas, where he has faithfully served for the last 18 years, most recently as the Head of Middle School. Prior to that, Scott gained experience in all areas of school administration, including as a Head of School at Southfield Christian Academy in Detroit, Michigan. In Scott’s message, you will hear directly about the journey that led him to a lifelong calling in Christian education, and specifically what called him to step into the head role at Veritas.
As we interviewed candidates over the past six months, we looked for specific behavioral and leadership qualities, as well as certain professional qualifications and competencies. From the very first conversation, Scott impressed us as someone who would protect the heart of Veritas, who would lead operationally and spiritually, and who had the professional competencies to shepherd Veritas through its next chapter. Scott has a genuine heart for the Lord and for people, something that came up again and again in reference calls with current and past colleagues. He was consistently described as a gifted leader, a patient listener, a wise counselor, and a deliberate and thoughtful decision maker.
Lisa Gerdes will continue to lead Veritas until her retirement in June 2024. During the final quarter of the school year, there will be a number of opportunities to celebrate Lisa’s remarkable contributions to Veritas over the past 14 years. Cindy will continue her work at Veritas, turning her full attention to development and the future campus at 164 Cochituate Rd.
Thank you for your prayers throughout this process and for your ongoing commitment to Veritas and Christian education. We are excited to see God’s plan unfold under Scott's leadership in the coming years.
Faithfully yours,
Joseph Medendorp, Chairman of the Board
A Message from Scott Berthel
Dear Families and Friends of Veritas Christian Academy,
It is with a blend of excitement, anticipation, humility, and joy that I look forward to joining and serving the Veritas community. From the time I first learned about the school this past summer, Veritas has been at the forefront of my thoughts, hopes, and prayers. I enjoyed learning about the school first from the website and Head of School Position Profile, then in a series of phone and digital video interviews, followed by opportunities to visit and interview in person with the Search Committee. Before introducing myself, I want to first express my appreciation and respect for the leadership team at Veritas: their professionalism, warmth, organization, intentionality, attention to detail, and vision for Veritas stood out throughout this process and was one of many qualities which marked Veritas as wonderfully unique. The next time you see one of them around school, please take a moment to thank and encourage them for their “behind-the-scenes” investment of time, energy, care, and prayer for your school!
My wife, Sally, and I have experienced two distinct chapters in our married life. Our first was spent in Michigan, where we both served at a K-12, Christian, college-preparatory school before we began our family. We began as classroom teachers and moved into different roles after completing our graduate studies; Sally became a library media specialist and I moved into a series of administrative roles, ultimately leading the school for three years as Superintendent (i.e., Head of School). It was during our years at Southfield Christian School (SCS) that God made clear to me that Christian education was the calling to which my professional life, energy, and focus was to be given.
Our second chapter took place in Texas, where we moved after I accepted a role as a division-level administrator in the Middle School at Trinity Christian Academy (TCA) in North Dallas. I resigned from my role at SCS in 2005 to be more present with Sally and our daughters, and God revealed His faithfulness by planting us in another Christian, college-preparatory school community which allowed me to enjoy a healthier work/life balance when our daughters were young. During our years at TCA, God deepened my understanding of the value of a Christian educational community as our girls experienced it as students and Sally joined the Lower School faculty.
Our older daughter, Isabella, is now a senior English major in the Fordham University Honors Program in Bronx, NY and our younger daughter, Elleanna, is a freshman at St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD. It was around the time Elleanna started Kindergarten in 2010 that I did the math and realized that if God had us at TCA through her graduation in 2023, I would have served 18 years at both SCS and TCA. It seemed so far in the future! That was the first time I wondered if God would ever open the door for me to serve in a smaller, younger Christian school for the final chapter of my career.
I only realized after I accepted the offer to lead Veritas that the first time I pondered that question was about the same time Veritas Christian Academy opened its doors to 44 students in early September 2010! The question remained with me over my years at TCA, always there in my heart and mind. After interviewing with several search firms and schools in the past year-and-a-half, I found a “pull” toward Veritas that was different from my interest in any of the other schools I considered or with whom I interviewed.
I do not come to Veritas to escape anything, nor do I come with a set of plans to “fix things” or otherwise make changes to replicate exactly what I have done at SCS or TCA. Progressing through the interview process, the phrase that kept returning to me is that I sense a calling to “honor the work that’s been done” – particularly the effort of Lisa Gerdes and Cindy Wellman, as well as the commitments of the faculty, staff, board members, and families who have been and are currently a part of the Veritas school community. Veritas has a unique culture, mission, and “DNA” that I want to see cherished, continually strengthened, and shared with the future.
We are following God’s call to move across the country because I am deeply convinced of the form of Christian education Veritas offers, and because I desire to offer what I can in the years ahead to help Veritas continue to shape the hearts and minds of students and adults alike. Even as I am fully committed to finishing my 19th year at Trinity, I am looking forward to the process of making the transition to Veritas and discovering how we will experience God’s faithfulness together in the days to come.
Scott A. Berthel
Hear from Scott Berthel