Our K-4 students were able to visit our new campus property, and what a joy it was! They had an amazing time of celebration, exploration, and imagination. See some photos below!
Here are a few things they did with Mrs. Wellman and Mrs. Cerci in their afternoon together:
Explored 10 acres of our property, particularly appreciating the "giant rock" on which our new campus will be built.
Listened carefully as we shared the miraculous story of how Veritas began 14 years ago.
Learned about Joshua crossing the Jordan River and then stacking stones as they people remembered all the amazing things God had done. Then, tour students found their own golden rocks to build their Ebenezers (1 Samuel 7:12).
Brainstormed fabulous ideas for our future campus.
Searched diligently during a scavenger hunt to get excited about Run for the Future.
Enjoyed the slack lines and hot chocolate at the end of our day.
Remembered "To whom much is given much is expected," and even at a young age, children can play an integral part in making the future of Veritas a reality (12:48)
Thank you for sharing your precious kids with us!
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade