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Veritas Students Build a New Home in Tijuana, Mexico over Spring Break

Updated: Nov 28, 2023


The next trip with Amanda & Homes of Hope is April 18-21, 2024.

Visit their website for more details and registration!


Five of our Middle School students and their Dads traveled to Tijuana, Mexico over Spring break to build a home for Rocio and her family. Rocio is a single mother, originally from Acapulco. She, along with her kids and grandchild, lived in a make-shift shelter.

Through the Homes of Hope program/YWAM Baja/San Diego, we had the privilege to be Gods hands and feet, as we worked alongside Rocio and her family to build a sturdy and safe home.

Though only a few of our families were on the ground in Mexico, many VCA families took part in building this home. Our students raised $800 over the base cost of the home so that they could add on 2 water cisterns for the families. Thank you for your loving generosity.

We look forward to a full report from our students. Enjoy these pictures in the meantime.



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