You made it happen again- our students couldn’t have done it without you!
Every May, our students grow in their spirit of generosity as they use their entrepreneurial skills, winsome persuasive speech, and fast running feet to help build the future of Veritas Christian Academy. This year, they raised $104,467! Over 90% of our students participated in achieving this ambitious goal, and over 80% of them found at least 5 giving superheroes! 20 families raised over $1,000 each, and 50 families raised over $500 each. Three of our families found over 110 donors collectively. Wow! Here are some of the things our students shared about their school: "Veritas is an incredible school with exemplary teachers and staff who are always able to understand where you are academically and spiritually. I'm in 6th grade. I love playing any kind of sport and have a passion for playing guitar and piano. I also love the Lord, and Veritas has extended my faith to a whole different level."
"The teachers make learning fun! I feel known by my teachers and they care about me as a person! We do cool science experiments! My small class allows my teachers to really help everyone! The teachers try to apply the Bible to different things we learn! School is fun!!!"
"We love Veritas because the teachers and students here are always kind and encouraging. The teachers not only help us with schoolwork but they also help us grow closer to God. We always feel safe and welcomed at Veritas. Another thing we love about Veritas is that we get to go on a bunch of fun field trips."
2023 Run for the Future Video
Click the image below to watch our students run!
Thank you for your willingness to play an important part in our students' success. Our annual Run for the Future campaign is an amazing opportunity for our students to be reminded that no matter how young, their voices and their efforts can make a significant impact on our community. Veritas truly is a place where today's learners are becoming tomorrow's leaders!